Archive for October 10th, 2009

WWE on Muchnick’s CHRIS & NANCY — The Twitter Daily Dozen for October 10

For a live feed of this continuing series, follow @irvmuch at Twitter.

PARTS 121 – 132

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 121 Nancy Benoit, but also charging him with conspiracy with some of the recipients of his

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 122 prescriptions to further distribute the drugs. As Michael Benoit surely knows, since he is the

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 123 executor of the estate, the house where the murders were committed had no mortgage. Instead, the

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 124 builder was paid by a series of payments totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars, and all

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 125 payments were consistently made by Nancy Benoit from various accounts. In closing, try as you

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 126 might, Chris Benoit, and only Chris Benoit, is factually, legally, and morally responsible

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 127 for the murders of his wife and child and his decision to commit suicide rather than face

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 128 the legal consequences for committing two first degree murders. Notwithstanding your desire

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 129 to shift blame to WWE by your ill-conceived conspiracy theories in order to promote yourself or

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 130 a book, please try to get your facts correct in the future. Rest assure WWE will not stand idly

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 131 by if you don’t. Jerry S. McDevitt

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt 132 Irvin Muchnick email to Eileen M. Wargo, 6/16/09 8:49 a.m., “Re: On behalf of Jerry S. McDevitt”