Archive for October 9th, 2009

WWE on Muchnick’s CHRIS & NANCY — The Twitter Daily Dozen for October 9

For a live feed of this continuing series, follow @irvmuch at Twitter.

PARTS 109 – 120

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 109 of my son’s brain.” Mr. Benoit also characterizes the indictment of Dr. Astin as not alleging

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 110 anything improper with the prescriptions given Chris Benoit for painkillers and muscle relaxers,

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 111 stating the amounts were not excessive. First of all, in none of the public comments of which I am

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 112 aware has any doctor, including Drs. Bailes, Omalu and Cantu, stated that alleged concussions

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 113 caused Chris Benoit to commit the first degree murders of his wife and son. In fact, I distinctly

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 114 recall Drs. Bailes and Cantu stating they could not render such an opinion. I would further note

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 115 that SLI’s purported findings came out before any of the police investigative work was made

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 116 public. I rather doubt that any reputable physician who has read that report would render

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 117 an opinion that alleged “concussions” made Chris Benoit hog tie his wife and then brutally murder

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 118 her in the fashion depicted in the police report, and none has to date. Secondly, the allegation

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 119 of the new indictment portrays a much different scenario than Michael Benoit portrays, in fact

WWE on Muchnick’s ‘CHRIS & NANCY’ Pt. 120 charging Dr. Astin with not only prescribing an illegitimate amount of drugs to both Chris and