Linda McMahon and ‘Fragile X Syndrome’ (Part 1 )


Far from the clamor of electioneering, families across the country were heartened this week by a possible research breakthrough for cures of a genetic disorder called Fragile X Syndrome.

What this has to do with the Linda McMahon Senate campaign in Connecticut is like most things related to pro wrestling and death: tangential but revealing. For details, read on.

But first let’s use this opportunity to educate whoever is reading this on the tragic phenomenon of Fragile X and on today’s important news in the hope for a cure.

Lauran Neergaard, who covers health and medical issues for the Associated Press, did a thorough story yesterday about the clinical trials for a pill to treat Fragile X. A good link is

According to the National Fragile X Foundation (, Fragile X is the most common inherited cause of mental impairment. The syndrome occurs in approximately 1 in 3,600 males and 1 in 4,000 to 6,000 females. There are various symptoms, with divergence between the genders. The majority of males with Fragile X show significant intellectual disability, from learning disabilities to severe mental retardation and autism.

NEXT: Chris Benoit’s Son’s Medical Condition Sets Off a Media Frenzy

Irv Muchnick

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